Quick Details
Step Through / Thin Tire eBike Rental
Basic eBike 20mph
$ 140
Fat Tire eBike Rental
Fat Tire eBike 20 mph
$ 140
Premium eBike Rental
25 mph eBike
$ 225
eMoped 2 Seater
Combined wight under 220 pounds
$ 150
Walkie Talkie hands free helmet
Talk to everyone in your group handsfree via our Smart Helmets.
$ 10
Explore the city on your own Luxury eBike!
Rent an eBike and explore New York on your own route!
- Helmet
Bring your own Gopro or rent from us!
Optional add ons
- Smart Helmet – $10.00 (Talk to others in your eBike party with our hands free walkie talkie smart hemet)
Important Info
- eBikes have a range of 20 miles on throttle only. Can get up to 50 miles if used in power assist 1 while pedaling.
- 21 years or older to rent 16+ with a parent/guardian
- Bike must be returned before store closing.
- Bike can never be locked up or left attended. Bike must be with you at all times!
- Every rider must sign our waiver and rental agreement
- If bike needs to be picked up (Manhattan) – $150 charge. Outside Manhattan $250 charge..
- If bike Lost, stolen or not returned your credit card will be charged $2400
- Damage to bike will be determined upon return
- You are responsible for flat tires or any other damage to the eBike during your rental.
- If something happens to the bike (flat tire, blown motor, etc…, Fold eBike and transport in a Uber back to us.
- Note that all members of my party are knowledgeable in operating a bike and feel comfortable riding around New York City.
Madmod - this is the premium bike
Thin tire bike - basic bike
Fat tire bike - basic bike
Step through bike - basic bike